Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

to be taken with

  • 1 to be taken with

    to be taken with
    estar encantado com, ficar impressionado com.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to be taken with

  • 2 be taken with/by

    (to find pleasing or attractive: He was very taken with the village.) simpatizar com

    English-Portuguese dictionary > be taken with/by

  • 3 be taken with/by

    (to find pleasing or attractive: He was very taken with the village.) simpatizar com

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > be taken with/by

  • 4 be taken up with

    (to be busy or occupied with: He's very taken up with his new job.) estar ocupado

    English-Portuguese dictionary > be taken up with

  • 5 be taken up with

    (to be busy or occupied with: He's very taken up with his new job.) estar envolvido em

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > be taken up with

  • 6 take

    (to take or keep (someone) as a hostage: The police were unable to attack the terrorists because they were holding three people hostage.) fazer reféns
    * * *
    [teik] n 1 quantidade que se pegou. 2 ato de pegar. 3 objeto que se pegou. 4 Cin tomada. 5 receita, renda. 6 parte, quinhão. 7 cicatriz de vacina. • vt+vi (ps took, pp taken) 1 tomar, pegar. a pain took him in the leg / ele foi tomado de dores na perna. 2 alcançar, agarrar, prender, capturar, apropriar-se. 3 arrebatar, arrancar, levar. 4 receber (como pagamento), aceitar, obter, adquirir. he won’t take "no" for an answer / ele não vai aceitar um "não" como resposta. 5 tomar, receber como marido ou mulher, tomar alojamento ou pensão. 6 suportar, receber, acolher. 7 tomar, comer, beber, engolir, consumir. 8 ganhar. 9 apanhar, contrair (doença). 10 ocupar. 11 usar, tomar (um veículo). 12 aproveitar (oportunidade). 13 tirar, tomar (férias). 14 submeter-se, sofrer, agüentar, aturar. I wouldn’t take it from anybody / não aturaria isso de ninguém. he couldn’t take it / Amer coll ele não agüentou. 15 necessitar, requerer, exigir. it takes an honest man to... / é necessário um homem honesto para... he’s got what it takes / ele possui as qualidades necessárias. 16 abranger, ocupar, consumir (tempo). 17 escolher, selecionar. 18 afastar, remover (por morte). 19 diminuir, prejudicar. 20 subtrair, extrair, extorquir, fraudar, lesar, roubar. 21 guiar, levar. 22 acompanhar, escoltar, levar. 23 carregar, transportar. 24 tirar (fotografia). 25 ser fotogênico. 26 sentir (orgulho). 27 determinar, verificar. 28 agir, ter efeito. 29 compreender. 30 supor, presumir. how old do you take him? / quantos anos lhe dá? 31 considerar. 32 assumir (responsabilidade), adotar. 33 alugar, empregar. 34 escrever, anotar. 35 tomar assinatura, assinar. 36 Gram ser usado com. 37 agradar, atrair, encantar. 38 prender (a atenção). 39 ir, andar. 40 vencer, conquistar, tomar (obstáculo). 41 ficar, tornar-se. 42 pegar, começar a crescer. 43 ser afetado por, sentir, experimentar, contrair. 44 fig manietar, subjugar. 45 assaltar, surpreender. 46 necessitar, custar. 47 colher. 48 fazer (viagem). 49 conquistar. 50 enveredar. 51 deduzir. 52 inflamar-se. 53 conceber, emprenhar, engravidar. 54 morder a isca. 55 preparar-se, empreender. as I take it a meu ver, na minha opinião. don’t take on so much about that não se preocupe tanto com isso, não faça tanto caso disso. it takes two to make a bargain quando um não quer dois não brigam. take it on! tome conta disso! take it or leave it! faça como quiser! take me, for example eu, por exemplo. taken all round considerado em conjunto. to be taken ill ficar doente. to be taken out of oneself ficar fora de si. to be taken with estar encantado com, ficar impressionado com. to take aback surpreender, espantar (alguém). to take a back seat deixar-se suplantar, aceitar ou receber lugar inferior, ser demasiado modesto. to take a breath respirar para descansar. to take account of prestar atenção a, considerar. to take action a) tomar medidas. b) Jur demandar. to take advantage of tirar proveito de, prevalecer-se de. to take after puxar a, sair à semelhança de. she takes after her mother / ela puxa à mãe. to take aim visar. to take a joke topar uma brincadeira. to take along levar. to take amiss levar a mal, sentir-se ofendido. to take away a) tirar, roubar, tomar. b) descontar. c) levar embora, afastar. to take back a) levar de volta, retirar. b) aceitar de volta. to take care ser cauteloso, tomar cuidado. to take care of cuidar de. to take charge of encarregar-se de. to take down a) tirar de cima, descer, trazer para baixo. b) escrever, anotar, registrar por escrito, tomar nota. c) derrubar (árvore), demolir (casa). d) passar na frente, transpassar. to take down a peg humilhar, baixar a estima. they took him down a peg / tiraram-lhe a prosa. to take effect entrar em vigor. to take evasive action coll evadir-se. to take exception at não gostar de. she took exception at what he said / ela não gostou do que ele disse. to take felt Mil dar baixa. to take fire a) inflamar-se. b) fig exaltar-se. to take for tomar por, considerar, confundir com. to take for a walk levar para um passeio. to take for granted tomar como certo, não dar atenção por julgar óbvio. to take forward favorecer, proteger. to take from tirar, descontar. to take heed tomar conhecimento de, considerar. to take hold of pegar. to take in a) tomar, absorver, chupar, comer, recolher, guardar (velas). b) receber (dinheiro), comprar (mercadorias). c) receber (hóspede). d) recolher, aceitar em casa. e) receber (trabalho) para fazer em casa. f) notar, perceber. g) compreender. h) engolir (mentiras). i) enganar. you can’t take me in / você não pode me tapear. to take in hand empreender, tentar. to take into account levar em conta, considerar. to take into one’s head dar na cabeça, decidir-se. to take in vain fazer mau uso, abusar. to take it easy ir com calma, ir devagar. to take it from someone acreditar em alguém. to take leave a) despedir-se, partir. b) Mil pedir licença. to take long tomar tempo, levar tempo. it would take us too long / isto nos tomaria tempo demais. how long does it take? / quanto tempo leva? to take lying down aceitar sem protesto ou defesa. to take off a) tirar. it was taken off my hands / foi tirado das minhas mãos. b) levantar vôo, decolar (também fig). he’ll take off any minute now / ele vai decolar a qualquer momento, vai começar a fazer sucesso. c) escapar, safar-se. he took himself off / coll ele safou-se, ele deu às de vila-diogo. d) exonerar. they took him off / eles exoneraram-no. to take on a) tomar conta. b) empregar, contratar. c) assumir (aparência). d) adotar, adquirir, contrair. to take one’s life into one’s hands Amer coll tomar o próprio destino nas mãos. to take one’s time não se apressar. to take on in the service alistar-se no serviço militar. to take out a) tirar, comprar. b) tirar de dentro. c) arrancar (dente). d) sacar (dinheiro). e) emprestar (livro). f) tirar (mancha). g) convidar uma dama (para dançar). h) escolher, reservar (mercadorias). i) levar para um passeio. will you take us out on Sunday? / você nos levará para passear domingo? to take out a licence tirar um documento de licença. to take over a) assumir (cargo, serviço), tomar posse. b) levar alguma coisa a alguém. to take part in tomar parte. to take path jurar. to take place acontecer, ocorrer. to take root arraigar, criar raízes, firmar-se. to take someone by surprise surpreender alguém, pegar de surpresa. to take someone by the hand a) pegar alguém pela mão. b) fig proteger alguém. to take someone for a ride Amer coll levar alguém para um passeio (a fim de matar). to take something off one’s hands encarregar-se de alguma coisa. to take steps tomar medidas. to take stock of examinar, analisar. to take the air a) Aeron levantar vôo. b) sair ao ar livre para um passeio. to take the cake ser o melhor. to take through rever, estudar. to take to a) ir para. b) refugiar-se em. the fox took to the earth / a raposa refugiou-se na cova. c) ocupar-se, dedicar-se. he takes to study / ele dedica-se aos estudos. d) afeiçoar-se, dar-se bem com. children take to him / crianças gostam dele. e) começar a fazer habitualmente, acostumar-se. we took kindly to this way of life / acostumamo-nos facilmente a este modo de vida. to take to heart levar a sério. to take to one’s bed ficar de cama por doença. she took to her bed / ela ficou de cama (por doença). to take to one’s heels correr, fugir. to take to pieces desmontar. to take up a) começar a estudar. he took up law / ele começou a estudar Direito. b) encurtar, diminuir. you’d better take that skirt up a little / é melhor você encurtar um pouco essa saia. c) adotar, começar, seguir. he took up teaching / ele seguiu a carreira de professor. d) ocupar, fazer uso de. e) utilizar, absorver. it takes up all my time / isto toma todo meu tempo. to take upon oneself tomar sob sua responsabilidade, assumir o encargo. to take up the cudgels for someone apoiar alguém, ficar do lado de alguém. to take up with ter relações, ter amizade com. what size do you take? que tamanho você usa?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > take

  • 7 whipped cream

    noun (liquid cream that has become thick by whipping it with a whisk: Whipped cream can be taken with ice-cream, coffee and cakes.)
    * * *
    whipped cream
    [w'ipt kri:m] n Cook creme chantilly.
    whipped cream
    creme chantilly.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > whipped cream

  • 8 whipped cream

    noun (liquid cream that has become thick by whipping it with a whisk: Whipped cream can be taken with ice-cream, coffee and cakes.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > whipped cream

  • 9 charge

    1. verb
    1) (to ask as the price (for something): They charge 50 cents for a pint of milk, but they don't charge for delivery.) cobrar
    2) (to make a note of (a sum of money) as being owed: Charge the bill to my account.) pôr na conta
    3) ((with with) to accuse (of something illegal): He was charged with theft.) acusar
    4) (to attack by moving quickly (towards): We charged (towards) the enemy on horseback.) carregar sobre
    5) (to rush: The children charged down the hill.) correr
    6) (to make or become filled with electricity: Please charge my car battery.) recarregar
    7) (to make (a person) responsible for (a task etc): He was charged with seeing that everything went well.) carregar
    2. noun
    1) (a price or fee: What is the charge for a telephone call?) preço
    2) (something with which a person is accused: He faces three charges of murder.) acusação
    3) (an attack made by moving quickly: the charge of the Light Brigade.) carga
    4) (the electricity in something: a positive or negative charge.) carga
    5) (someone one takes care of: These children are my charges.) encargo
    6) (a quantity of gunpowder: Put the charge in place and light the fuse.) carga
    - in charge of
    - in someone's charge
    - take charge
    * * *
    [tʃa:dʒ] n 1 carga de pólvora, carga explosiva. 2 cargo, ofício, dever, responsabilidade, obrigação. 3 cuidado, encargo, custódia. he gave his daughter into my charge / ele me confiou sua filha. I have her in my charge / estou cuidando dela. 4 pessoa ou coisa sob cuidados de alguém, protegido, afilhado. 5 ordem, incumbência, direção, comando. 6 carga, fardo. 7 instrução, exortação. 8 Jur acusação formal. the charges brought against him / as acusações apresentadas contra ele. he had to answer a charge of housebreaking / ele teve de responder a uma acusação de roubo, com arrombamento. 9 preço de venda, custo. 10 encargo financeiro, despesa, ônus. 11 ataque, assalto, carga, investida. 12 Mil sinal de ataque. 13 carga elétrica, carga de bateria, de acumulador, etc. 14 Her divisa. 15 Sport falta no jogo de futebol. 16 Com lançamento de débito. • vt+vi 1 carregar, encher, pôr carga em. 2 carregar arma de fogo, carregar bateria. 3 ordenar, encarregar, confiar, incumbir, dar comissão ou encargo. I charged him with the solemn trust / confiei-lhe o assunto sério. 4 dirigir, dar ordem ou comando. 5 acusar, incriminar. he charged the crime on her / ele a acusou do crime. he was charged with stealing / ele foi acusado de furto. 6 cobrar. he charged me 5 dollars for it / ele me cobrou 5 dólares por isto. 7 pôr preço a. 8 debitar, levar à conta de. 9 assaltar, arremeter, desferir o assalto final. 10 abastecer. 11 instruir, recomendar, exortar. 12 Sport cometer faltas no jogo de futebol. 13 fig sobrecarregar a memória de. 14 sl picada de um narcótico. at high charges a preços elevados. at his own charge por conta própria. charged up sl 1 intoxicado por narcótico. 2 agitado e nervoso. charge it to my account! ponha isto na minha conta! charge to be deducted despesas a deduzir. electrical charge carga elétrica. extra charge despesas extras. give him in charge! entregue-o à polícia! I lay that to your charge eu o acuso disto. in charge interino, encarregado. I am in charge of this house / estou encarregado ou tomando conta desta casa. no charge, free of charge grátis, gratuito. petty charges pequenas despesas. to be taken in charge ser preso. to charge for cobrar por, pôr na conta. to charge off Com considerar como prejuízo. to charge up a battery carregar a bateria. to lay the charge at one’s door culpar alguém. to take charge of tomar conta de. to the charge of him a seu débito.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > charge

  • 10 ill

    [il] 1. comparative - worse; adjective
    1) (not in good health; not well: She was ill for a long time.) doente
    2) (bad: ill health; These pills have no ill effects.) secundário
    3) (evil or unlucky: ill luck.)
    2. adverb
    (not easily: We could ill afford to lose that money.) dificilmente
    3. noun
    1) (evil: I would never wish anyone ill.) mal
    2) (trouble: all the ills of this world.) mal
    - illness
    - ill-at-ease
    - ill-fated
    - ill-feeling
    - ill-mannered / ill-bred
    - ill-tempered / ill-natured
    - ill-treat
    - ill-treatment
    - ill-use
    - ill-will
    - be taken ill
    * * *
    [il] n 1 mal, desgosto, calamidade, aflição. 2 doença, enfermidade. • adj 1 doente, indisposto. I was ill / fiquei doente. 2 ruim, desfavorável, maléfico. 3 impróprio, prejudicial, maligno. • adv 1 mal, não bem. 2 dificilmente, imperfeitamente. 3 raramente. ill at ease a) desconfortável, constrangido, ansioso. b) inquieto, intranqüilo. to be taken ill ficar doente. to speak ill falar mal. to take it ill sentir-se ofendido. with an ill grace desgraciosamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ill

  • 11 all

    [o:l] 1. adjective, pronoun
    1) (the whole (of): He ate all the cake; He has spent all of his money.) todo
    2) (every one (of a group) when taken together: They were all present; All men are equal.) todos
    2. adverb
    1) (entirely: all alone; dressed all in white.) totalmente
    2) ((with the) much; even: Your low pay is all the more reason to find a new job; I feel all the better for a shower.) muito
    - all-out
    - all-round
    - all-rounder
    - all-terrain vehicle
    - all along
    - all at once
    - all in
    - all in all
    - all over
    - all right
    - in all
    * * *
    [ɔ:l] n 1 tudo, totalidade. all has been done / tudo foi feito. all’s well that ends well / o resultado coroa a obra, bem está o que bem acaba. 2 todos os bens (de uma pessoa). 3 universo. • adj 1 todo(s), toda(s), inteiro. he lost all respect for her / perdeu todo o respeito por ela. 2 cada, todos indistintamente. 3 o maior possível, máximo. 4 qualquer, algum, tudo quanto. 5 somente, só, apenas. 6 completo, inteiro. • adv 1 completamente, inteiramente, totalmente, positivamente. he was dressed all in black / ele estava inteiramente vestido de preto. he shivered all over / ele tremeu da cabeça aos pés. I am quite all right! / estou passando bem! the news is all over the place / a novidade é conhecida aqui e em todo lugar. 2 unicamente, exclusivamente. 3 excessivamente, muito, extremamente. 4 quase. I have all but forgotten / quase esqueci. he was all but drowned / por pouco ele não pereceu afogado. he is all but engaged / ele já está praticamente noivo. • pron tudo, todos, todas. what is all this about? / qual é a causa de tudo isso? he wanted all or nothing / ele queria tudo ou nada. all of us want to go / todos nós queremos ir. the trip costs all in all five dollars / no total, a excursão custa cinco dólares. above all acima de tudo, antes de tudo. after all 1 afinal de contas. 2 apesar de tudo. all about em redor. all along sempre, durante todo o tempo. all at once de repente. all day o dia todo. all in tudo incluído. all-in cost custo total. all-in insurance seguro contra todos os riscos. all kind(s) of things muitas coisas (objetos) diferentes. all of tanto quanto, não menos do que. all of a heap coll espantado, perplexo. all of us todos nós. all over the country em todo o país. all right! está bem! muito bem! all-round price preço global. all the better tanto melhor. all the town toda a cidade. all the world and his wife! coll Deus e todo o mundo! all-time record recorde mundial. all too soon cedo demais. all wet 1 completamente molhado. 2 Amer sl totalmente errado. all-weather utilizável sob qualquer condição de tempo. and all that e tudo mais, etc. at all 1 sob qualquer condição. 2 de qualquer modo. at all events em qualquer caso, de todo jeito. before all acima de tudo, antes de tudo. dressed all in green toda vestida de verde. each and all cada um, cada qual. first of all primeiramente, antes de tudo. for all I know ao que eu saiba. for all that apesar de tudo. for all the world! coll isso mesmo, exatamente! good-bye to all that! vamos dar um fim a isto! in all em soma, no total. it is all one (ou the same) to me tudo isto não me importa, é a mesma coisa para mim. it is all up with him coll ele está nas últimas. not at all de jeito nenhum. not for all the world! nem por nada! nothing at all absolutamente nada. once and for all de uma vez para sempre, definitivamente. one and all todos juntos (sem exceção), todo e qualquer. that is all! isto é tudo! basta! that is all very well, but... tudo isto está muito bem, mas... with all my heart com todo o meu coração, com toda a sinceridade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > all

  • 12 film

    [film] 1. noun
    1) ((a thin strip of) celluloid made sensitive to light on which photographs are taken: photographic film.) filme
    2) (a story, play etc shown as a motion picture in a cinema, on television etc: to make a film; ( also adjective) a film version of the novel.) filme
    3) (a thin skin or covering: a film of dust.) película
    2. verb
    1) (to make a motion picture (of): They are going to film the race.) filmar
    2) ((usually with over) to cover with a film: Her eyes gradually filmed (over) with tears.) enevoar-se
    - filmstar
    * * *
    [film] n 1 filme, película, fita de cinema. 2 membrana, pele fina, filamento delicado. 3 véu, névoa, belida. 4 Phot filme. • vt+vi 1 filmar. 2 cobrir com véu, ou membrana fina. her eyes filmed over / seus olhos enevoaram-se (de lágrimas). on the films na tela, no cinema, numa empresa cinematográfica.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > film

  • 13 man

    [mæn] 1. plural - men; noun
    1) (an adult male human being: Hundreds of men, women and children; a four-man team.) homem
    2) (human beings taken as a whole; the human race: the development of man.) homem
    3) (obviously masculine male person: He's independent, tough, strong, brave - a real man!) homem
    4) (a word sometimes used in speaking informally or giving commands to someone: Get on with your work, man, and stop complaining!) homem
    5) (an ordinary soldier, who is not an officer: officers and men.) soldado
    6) (a piece used in playing chess or draughts: I took three of his men in one move.) peça
    2. verb
    (to supply with men (especially soldiers): The colonel manned the guns with soldiers from our regiment.) guarnecer
    - - man
    - manhood
    - mankind
    - manly
    - manliness
    - manned
    - man-eating
    - man-eater
    - manhandle
    - manhole
    - man-made
    - manpower
    - manservant
    - mansized
    - mansize
    - manslaughter
    - menfolk
    - menswear
    - as one man
    - the man in the street
    - man of letters
    - man of the world
    - man to man
    - to a man
    * * *
    [mæn] n (pl men) 1 homem, varão. 2 ser humano. 3 gênero humano. 4 pessoa, indivíduo. 5 policial. 6 marido. 7 amante, namorado. 8 peão (no jogo de xadrez). • vt 1 guarnecer de soldado. 2 equipar com homens. • interj nossa! (para expressar surpresa, contentamento ou para enfatizar algo). a Cambridge man um homem que estudou na universidade de Cambridge. every man for himself cada um por si. man alive interj caramba. man in the street homem comum. man of genius gênio. man of letters a) escritor. b) letrado, homem de letras, literato. man of property homem rico. man of the world homem do mundo: homem vivido, experiente. medical man médico. to a man a) para todos, sem exceção. b) unanimemente. to the last man até o último homem.
    abbr manual (manual).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > man

  • 14 tax

    [tæks] 1. noun
    1) (money, eg a percentage of a person's income or of the price of goods etc taken by the government to help pay for the running of the state: income tax; a tax on tobacco.) imposto
    2) (a strain or burden: The continual noise was a tax on her nerves.) peso
    2. verb
    1) (to make (a person) pay (a) tax; to put a tax on (goods etc): He is taxed on his income; Alcohol is taxed.) tributar
    2) (to put a strain on: Don't tax your strength!) sobrecarregar
    - taxation
    - taxing
    - tax-free
    - taxpayer
    - tax someone with
    - tax with
    * * *
    [tæks] n 1 imposto, tributo, taxa. 2 encargo, dever, obrigação, imposição. 3 taxação. • vt 1 taxar, cobrar imposto, tributar. 2 impor, sobrecarregar, esforçar. 3 reprovar, acusar. I am not to be taxed with it / não devo ser acusado disto. 4 estabelecer preço, fixar custos. a great tax upon my time uma grande perda de tempo para mim. highway tax imposto sobre propriedade de veículos automotores (IPVA). income tax imposto de renda. land tax imposto territorial. property tax imposto predial e territorial urbano (IPTU). tax on trade imposto de indústria e comércio. to impose a tax on taxar, tributar a.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tax

  • 15 film

    [film] 1. noun
    1) ((a thin strip of) celluloid made sensitive to light on which photographs are taken: photographic film.) filme
    2) (a story, play etc shown as a motion picture in a cinema, on television etc: to make a film; ( also adjective) a film version of the novel.) filme
    3) (a thin skin or covering: a film of dust.) película
    2. verb
    1) (to make a motion picture (of): They are going to film the race.) filmar
    2) ((usually with over) to cover with a film: Her eyes gradually filmed (over) with tears.) toldar
    - filmstar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > film

  • 16 man

    [mæn] 1. plural - men; noun
    1) (an adult male human being: Hundreds of men, women and children; a four-man team.) homem
    2) (human beings taken as a whole; the human race: the development of man.) homem
    3) (obviously masculine male person: He's independent, tough, strong, brave - a real man!) homem
    4) (a word sometimes used in speaking informally or giving commands to someone: Get on with your work, man, and stop complaining!) cara
    5) (an ordinary soldier, who is not an officer: officers and men.) soldado
    6) (a piece used in playing chess or draughts: I took three of his men in one move.) peça
    2. verb
    (to supply with men (especially soldiers): The colonel manned the guns with soldiers from our regiment.) guarnecer
    - - man
    - manhood - mankind - manly - manliness - manned - man-eating - man-eater - manhandle - manhole - man-made - manpower - manservant - mansized - mansize - manslaughter - menfolk - menswear - as one man - the man in the street - man of letters - man of the world - man to man - to a man

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > man

  • 17 store

    [sto:] 1. noun
    1) (a supply of eg goods from which things are taken when required: They took a store of dried and canned food on the expedition; The quartermaster is the officer in charge of stores.) reserva
    2) (a (large) collected amount or quantity: He has a store of interesting facts in his head.) depósito
    3) (a place where a supply of goods etc is kept; a storehouse or storeroom: It's in the store(s).) armazém
    4) (a shop: The post office here is also the village store; a department store.) loja
    2. verb
    1) (to put into a place for keeping: We stored our furniture in the attic while the tenants used our house.) guardar
    2) (to stock (a place etc) with goods etc: The museum is stored with interesting exhibits.) abastecer
    - storehouse
    - storeroom
    - in store
    - set great store by
    - set store by
    - store up
    * * *
    [stɔ:] n 1 Amer armazém, loja, casa de negócios. 2 estoque, suprimento. 3 (especialmente Brit) depósito, armazém. 4 provisões, abastecimento. 5 propriedade, riqueza, tesouro (de conhecimentos), grande quantidade, abundância, fartura. • vt 1 suprir, pôr em estoque. 2 guardar, acumular, armazenar (também Comp). she stored away her treasures / ela guardou seus tesouros. 3 abastecer, prover, fornecer. chain store estabelecimento de uma rede de lojas de departamentos ou rede de supermercados, filial. department store loja de departamentos. in store de reserva. to be in store algo está para acontecer. there is a great surprise in store for you / há uma grande surpresa à sua espera. to set great store by something dar muito valor a. he sets great store by her opinion / ele dá muito valor à opinião dela. to store up reservar, guardar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > store

  • 18 store

    [sto:] 1. noun
    1) (a supply of eg goods from which things are taken when required: They took a store of dried and canned food on the expedition; The quartermaster is the officer in charge of stores.) provisão
    2) (a (large) collected amount or quantity: He has a store of interesting facts in his head.) estoque
    3) (a place where a supply of goods etc is kept; a storehouse or storeroom: It's in the store(s).) depósito
    4) (a shop: The post office here is also the village store; a department store.) armazém
    2. verb
    1) (to put into a place for keeping: We stored our furniture in the attic while the tenants used our house.) guardar
    2) (to stock (a place etc) with goods etc: The museum is stored with interesting exhibits.) abastecer
    - storehouse - storeroom - in store - set great store by - set store by - store up

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > store

  • 19 tax

    [tæks] 1. noun
    1) (money, eg a percentage of a person's income or of the price of goods etc taken by the government to help pay for the running of the state: income tax; a tax on tobacco.) taxa, imposto
    2) (a strain or burden: The continual noise was a tax on her nerves.) fardo
    2. verb
    1) (to make (a person) pay (a) tax; to put a tax on (goods etc): He is taxed on his income; Alcohol is taxed.) taxar
    2) (to put a strain on: Don't tax your strength!) sobrecarregar
    - taxation - taxing - tax-free - taxpayer - tax someone with - tax with

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > tax

  • 20 bereft

    ((with of) having had something taken away: bereft of speech.) privado
    * * *
    [bir'eft] vt pp of bereave.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bereft

См. также в других словарях:

  • taken with someone — taken with (someone/something) attracted to someone or something. Carpenter was so taken with the sculpture that he persuaded the town to sell it to him. I was really taken with her, and admired her talent and personality …   New idioms dictionary

  • taken with something — taken with (someone/something) attracted to someone or something. Carpenter was so taken with the sculpture that he persuaded the town to sell it to him. I was really taken with her, and admired her talent and personality …   New idioms dictionary

  • taken with — (someone/something) attracted to someone or something. Carpenter was so taken with the sculpture that he persuaded the town to sell it to him. I was really taken with her, and admired her talent and personality …   New idioms dictionary

  • taken\ with — • taken by • taken with v. phr. To be impressed by; intrigued by. Ned was much taken by the elegance of Sophie s manners …   Словарь американских идиом

  • taken with — Synonyms and related words: as compared with, attached to, beside, by comparison with, charmed, comfortable, compared with, content, contented, cozy, crazy about, delighted, devoted to, easy, enamored of, eupeptic, euphoric, exhilarated, far gone …   Moby Thesaurus

  • taken with — adjective marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness gaga over the rock group s new album he was infatuated with her • Syn: ↑enamored, ↑infatuated, ↑in love, ↑potty, ↑smitten, ↑soft on …   Useful english dictionary

  • (be) taken with somebody — be ˈtaken with sb/sth derived to find sb/sth attractive or interesting • We were all very taken with his girlfriend. • I think he s quite taken with the idea. Main entry: ↑takederived …   Useful english dictionary

  • (be) taken with something — be ˈtaken with sb/sth derived to find sb/sth attractive or interesting • We were all very taken with his girlfriend. • I think he s quite taken with the idea. Main entry: ↑takederived …   Useful english dictionary

  • To be taken with the manner — Manner Man ner, n. [OE. manere, F. mani[ e]re, from OF. manier, adj., manual, skillful, handy, fr. (assumed) LL. manarius, for L. manuarius belonging to the hand, fr. manus the hand. See {Manual}.] 1. Mode of action; way of performing or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • be taken with — informal phrase to like someone or something very much I could tell he was quite taken with my daughter. Thesaurus: to love or like a person or thingsynonym Main entry: taken …   Useful english dictionary

  • be taken with — informal to like someone or something very much I could tell he was quite taken with my daughter …   English dictionary

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